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About Us

Webnation Africa, formerly known as Webnation Gh was founded in 2017. 

It was first based on video content like Street videos, Interviews, Tourist Location reviews, and quizzes that challenged the minds of Young Africans. We created other forms of entertainment and educational content aimed at promoting the Continent and the real stories of everyday people.

Highlighting Charity Movements in the Eastern Region of Ghana, we funded the education of street children unable to afford school fees giving them an opportunity at a better life.
We saw the key to success was providing employment and mentorship for young Adults in Ghana.

Webnation Africa then went on to start providing Entertainment, promoting African History, African Music, African Cuisine, African Tourist Guides & African Health remedies from the continent of Africa which may prove beneficial to whoever is in need of them.

Our Vision

We Understand that the Youth are the Growth and Strength of our Communities and Country. Our vision is to Empower, Employ, and Raise the Economic Stability of Young People across the Continent starting within

Ghana. Through teaching young people high-demand skills in Technology, Film, and Content Creation we believe that poverty can be solved by providing access to strategies, access to corporate partnerships, and funding.


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27th December 2023

Castillo Ghana, Cantonments, Accra

The Webnation Africa Channel

View Africa through a new lense...